
Archive for April 11th, 2010

bridalwreath spirea(photo at right: Bridal Wreath Spirea shrub in full bloom today)
It has been another warm and sunny spring day here and and more and more flowers and trees are blooming every day. The woods are greening up, the dogwoods are beginning to bloom, butterflies and bees are everywhere, and I think the long, dreary winter is finally behind us. Here are a few pictures I have taken around the yard over the last few days. As always, click any photo to view a larger version.

swallowtail on hyacinth
Swallowtail on hyacinth. The larger hyacinths are about finished blooming now.

anemone and honeybee
A honeybee on a white poppy anemone in the bright sun.

Kerria blossoms
Kerria Japonica, Japanese Yellow Rose shrub

kerria kerria blooms kerria
The Kerria Japonica is just a big green, arching multi-stemmed shrub for most of the year but right now, it is a glorious sight, covered with literally hundreds of bright yellow flowers. This shrub is very easy to grow in full sun and average soil, spreads a little from the roots, and will continue to bloom until fall. I
usually cut this shrub back by half at least once a year.

Lithodora diffusa ‘Blue Star’
The camera doesn’t really capture the true blue in these little blue and white striped flowers. I have these trailing over a rock wall flower bed in full sun.

miniature daffodil
Canaliculatus Daffodil
I absolutely love these tiny little daffodils. The plants are about 6 inches tall and the flowers, 3 to 7 per stem, are about the size of a quarter. This is the first year I have grown these and will definitely have more of them next year.

fritillaria creeping phlox creeping myrtle

bicolor grape hyacinth lily tulip violas
Top Row: Fritillaria (Checkered Lily), Creeping Phlox, Creeping Myrtle
Bottom Row: Bicolor Grape Hyacinth, Lily-flowered Tulip, Violas

Related posts:
Kerria, Japanese Yellow Rose
Lily Flowering Tulips
Flowers and Plants This Week
Goat’s Beard Spirea

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